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What’s Holding You Back?

By October 21, 2018October 22nd, 2021No Comments

What’s holding you back?


You want to succeed, right? You have the desire to exercise and eat in a way that will cause you to gain health and get fit, don’t you?


So why is it SO HARD to actually make it happen?


When someone starts out gung-ho about a program or idea about changing their body, they’re often so excited that they overlook how truly challenging it will be. When someone embarks on a fitness program, they always need to write down tangible goals and then send them out into the universe for accountability.


What I believe is almost as important as setting the goals themselves is making a list of limiting factors – those things that will potentially hold you back and make achieving goals more difficult.


The ones I most often see are family and work. By identifying these limiting factors to begin with, you can come up with a plan for how to get around them so they do not hold you back. This pre-emptive work can truly make all the difference.


Once you’ve identified limiting factors and have set a plan for how to counter them, you should be set for success, right?


Well, again, it’s not that simple because you have to TAKE ACTION.


Here at 360 Fitness we give you EVERY SINGLE TOOL you need to be successful, but it is up to you to implement them. If you lose focus or the progress is not lining up with your goals, I want you to know that we are here for you and to support you 100%.


I want you to remember the big picture – what it will mean for you to look and feel better, live longer, and to have more energy for the things that are truly important in your life? We are here to recognize and support your efforts and to celebrate your success. Not only that, but I’m pretty sure we have the best community support possible!


We can’t tell you enough how important a support system is – having someone ask about your day, greet you with a smile and push you to succeed is all the magic you need. Add in the fact that all our members have each other’s back, they care about each other’s goals and even call each other when they haven’t seen each other in the gym for a while (true story).


If you want to really succeed, you can’t go it alone. Jump into this incredible program that we offer that encompasses all the areas you need for success: nutrition, fitness, accountability, community support, and so much more! I promise, it’s so worth it!


If you’re currently part of our community, I’d love for you to think of someone in your life who needs this support for their own transformation.


If you’re not yet on board and this message resonates with you, let’s talk. Simply reply to this message with the best time to reach you and your phone number, and we’ll reach out to support.


We invite you to come in for a free consultation with our Red Deer personal training team. We have a super awesome program coming up which I feel may be up your alley, you can check it out below.


To Your Success,


Team 360