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Trainer Revenge! Make Us Sweat for a Change (fundraiser)

By July 4, 2016October 22nd, 2021No Comments

Do you ever cringe at some of the exercises our trainers give you?

Do you ever want to get back at your trainer for those darn burpees?

Do you want to seek your REVENGE?


Well, now is your shot!!! This is your chance to get back at your trainer, make them sweat for a change, make them do that extra last rep and fall to the floor in agony! (insert evil laugh here).

Come on down to Trainer Revenge and donate a few bucks to choose from the exercise menu and unleash hell on your trainer!

To top it all off, it’s for a great cause – your donations will go to the local Food Bank.

They are at record lows for inventory and families are in desperate need.

Plus, it’s our 7th Birthday and we want you to come party with us and help us support a great charity!

We’ll even have prizes, discounts on session packs, all supplements, clothing and more.

Here are the details:

Trainer Revenge is down here at 360 Fitness on Friday, July 22 from 12-6pm. (this is the same for all locations)

==> You can purchase 10 or 20 packs of training sessions at 20% off! They will never expire and no contracts attached. Just boost your workouts up.

==> All supplements, clothing, the Market and our VIP Shakes will be 25% off!

==> Several of our friends and partners will be down here with tables and booths – each will be bringing something special with them and you never know – they might just have an awesome deal and freebies for you 🙂

==> We will have tons of free healthy snacks down here and several free samples of shakes, organic bison, protein bars and more! Num num num 🙂

Super excited!

This is an open house event, all our welcome and please feel free to bring your friends and family down here to show them around your second home.

And remember, what better way to feel guilt from beating up your trainer? It’s for charity…you almost feel good doing it!

See you soon for Trainer Revenge!