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Red Deer Personal Trainer – Scary Stats

By May 5, 2017October 22nd, 2021No Comments

{ Scary Stats You Need to Know from Your Red Deer Personal Trainer Team }


According to current research, only 8% of people who set a New Year’s Resolution back in January are actually still gunning for it. Additionally, the most popular resolutions are around weight loss and improving health.  So it’s pretty scary that less than 1 in 10 people are going to get where they need to go and start living life.


That’s 9 out of 10 still struggling with confidence, the potential of disease, lack of energy and more.


By by the end of May, more will drop off.


This doesn’t sit well with us, so we want to help you recommit using some simple steps.


The following points separate those who are successful with achieving their resolutions from those who give up:


1. Follow a plan – random efforts combined from information consumed on the internet won’t get you to your goal.


2. Keep it simple – often people set too many goals so they become overwhelmed and quit.


3. Make it tangible – abstract goals that aren’t measurable are impossible to actually achieve, setting you up for failure.


4. Don’t go at it alone – Seek support! Keep your goals in front of you at all times but also share them publicly for added accountability.


5. Believe you can do it – if you’re not convinced you will be successful, you won’t be. Simple as that.


6. Be patient – understand that true change takes time. Pick yourself back up quickly when you fall. Accept no excuses from yourself. Measure your progress regularly, and keep going!


I know that can seem like a lot but just get started. These are the exact strategies our Red Deer personal trainers use with our client to get them amazing results and that allow them to still live a full life.


If you need some help, advice or want a kick in the right direction…that’s our job and we are darn good at it.


We invite you to come down for a free consultation. You can message our Red Deer Personal Trainer team, call us at 403 347 1707 or request online at


Time to take care of yourself.


Who’s looking out for ya 🙂