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Red Deer Personal Training Tip – 5 Tools for a Healthier Meal

By December 16, 2015October 22nd, 2021No Comments

Here is another great article from 360 Fitness – Red Deer Personal Training! If you are looking for more great fitness articles, check out

We all know that having the right diet depends on what you keep stored in your kitchen cabinets. Don’t set yourself up for failure…prepare for success!

Using lean meats, fresh fruits and vegetables, and low-fat food items is essential if you’re planning on having a healthy diet. But did you know the tools you’re using in the kitchen may also determine whether or not you’re going to eat healthy meals? Read on to learn what tools of the trade you should keep in your hands when you’re cooking.

All Day Slow Cooker

Have a hard time finding time to cook dinner at night? Slow cooker to the rescue! Simply toss in whatever delicious veggies, meat and spices you have planned for dinner, set the cooker on low, and go about your daily life. After a hard day of work, cheering on your kids at the soccer field, and sitting for hours in bumper-to-bumper traffic, the sweet smells of your slow-cooked, home-cooked meal will make you glad to be at home. Not only does a slow cooker save time, it saves you money and calories by encouraging you to eat at home with the family and not at the steak restaurant down the street.

Rising Freshness

Want to make your house smell like heaven and your entire family drool? You can do both by investing in a bread machine and using it regularly. By baking your own bread, you’re the final word on what ingredients will be in each slice, making it possible to give your bread an added boost of fiber, whole wheat, bananas, or nuts. Of course, you can always bake bread in your oven, but a bread maker makes the process easy, which makes you more likely to keep fresh-baked bread around the house at all times. Also, you eliminate all the unnecessary additives, preservatives and chemicals found in bread at the store.

Grill In

Want the flavors of the great outdoors without the open flame? It’s time to purchase an indoor grill. One of the best advertised is George Foreman’s Lean, Mean, Fat-Reducing Grilling Machine, but there are a number of other brands that offer many of the same benefits. On top of grilled flavor, indoor grills are easy to clean and like their outdoor counterparts, an indoor grill allows the fat from your meats to slide off the grill, making sure it never touches your mouth.

Slick, Nonstick Cookware

No matter what you’re cooking, you’ll have to add some oil or butter to keep it from sticking to the pan—unless you swap in your grandmother’s frying pan, skillet, and saucepan for nonstick cookware. By keeping slick, nonstick cookware in your kitchen, you immediately reduce the amount of fats that find their way into your food due to the necessary slathering of oil or butter. Thanks to their incredible popularity, you can pick up a set of nonstick cookware for relatively cheap at any store that sells kitchenware.

Oil of O’Spray

Cooking often requires oil to on the bottom surface of the pot or pan being used. Sometimes, even your nonstick cookware will need a little oiling. Instead of pouring oil, spray it. Don’t like the flavor of oils that come in spray cans? You can pick up an oil sprayer, fill it with your oil of choice, and spray just the right amount of oil on your cookware. This keeps you from using more oil than is necessary, saving you precious money and preventing you from getting extra oil-based fat.

A Juicy Snack

When you’re on the go and need a quick pick-me-up, you have a few options. You can grab an energy bar, a pack of peanut butter crackers, or a glass of juice.
If you prefer to get your nutrition in a glass, buying a high-quality juicer is a must. With a powerful juicer in your hands, you can blend whatever fruit or vegetable you can find for an instant, powerful jolt of energy and good health, courtesy of Mother Nature.

For more articles just like this, check out your local Red Deer Personal Training experts at 360 Fitness.

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Setting S.M.A.R.T Goals

Posted by Super User on Friday, 15 November 2013 in Red Deer Personal Training


Goal Setting: Personal Training Red Deer Tip

<span ‘sans-serif”,’serif’;=”” font-size:=”” 16.5pt;=”” mso-bidi-font-family:=”” ‘times=”” new=”” roman’;=”” mso-fareast-font-family:=”” roman”;=”” mso-fareast-language:=”” en-ca;”=”” style=”margin: 0px; padding: 0px;”> 

<span ‘sans-serif”,’serif’;=”” font-size:=”” 16.5pt;=”” mso-bidi-font-family:=”” ‘times=”” new=”” roman’;=”” mso-fareast-font-family:=”” roman”;=”” mso-fareast-language:=”” en-ca;”=”” style=”margin: 0px; padding: 0px;”>2013 is your chance for a new path and a new body!
<span ‘sans-serif”,’serif’;=”” font-size:=”” 12.0pt;=”” mso-bidi-font-family:=”” ‘times=”” new=”” roman’;=”” mso-fareast-font-family:=”” roman”;=”” mso-fareast-language:=”” en-ca;”=”” style=”margin: 0px; padding: 0px;”>When taking your first steps (or the next step) to becoming physically active or starting a new exercise routine, Goal Setting is an important part of staying motivated and making sure what you’re doing at the gym is helping you towards what you really want from your training.


<span ‘sans-serif”,’serif’;=”” font-size:=”” 12.0pt;=”” mso-bidi-font-family:=”” ‘times=”” new=”” roman’;=”” mso-fareast-font-family:=”” roman”;=”” mso-fareast-language:=”” en-ca;”=”” style=”margin: 0px; padding: 0px;”>Can you imagine running a race with no markers, no starting line and no finish line? Huh…what…but?? Yeah, that would be confusing no doubt – you wouldnt know if you won, lost or ran around in circles. This is where alot of fitness plans fail too, you lose the race even before the start gun goes off.


<span ‘sans-serif”,’serif’;=”” font-size:=”” 12.0pt;=”” mso-bidi-font-family:=”” ‘times=”” new=”” roman’;=”” mso-fareast-font-family:=”” roman”;=”” mso-fareast-language:=”” en-ca;”=”” style=”margin: 0px; padding: 0px;”>It is safe to say that about 3/4 of fitness plans putter out and stall right around the 6 week mark<span ‘sans-serif”,’serif’;=”” font-size:=”” 12.0pt;=”” mso-bidi-font-family:=”” ‘times=”” new=”” roman’;=”” mso-fareast-font-family:=”” roman”;=”” mso-fareast-language:=”” en-ca;”=”” style=”margin: 0px; padding: 0px;”>. Sure, you do really well in the first couple weeks and hit the gym and hit it often, but as soon as a variable comes into play (sick, work, kids, injury) you have a really tough time getting back at it. It’s also safe to say that you can’t find your way back because you have no idea where you left off.


<span ‘sans-serif”,’serif’;=”” font-size:=”” 12.0pt;=”” mso-bidi-font-family:=”” ‘times=”” new=”” roman’;=”” mso-fareast-font-family:=”” roman”;=”” mso-fareast-language:=”” en-ca;”=”” style=”margin: 0px; padding: 0px;”>This is what goal setting is all about. You can never finish the race if you dont have a start and finish line. Goal setting allows to you write down your goals, track them, hold yourself accountable to them and eventually see them ticked off the list! But before you just start blurting things out or scribbling on a page there a great system to make sure you set good goals and ones that are going to help you in the end, not hinder you.

<span ‘sans-serif”,’serif’;=”” font-size:=”” 12.0pt;=”” line-height:=”” 115%;=”” mso-ansi-language:=”” en-ca;=”” mso-bidi-font-family:=”” ‘times=”” new=”” roman’;=”” mso-bidi-language:=”” ar-sa;=”” mso-fareast-font-family:=”” roman”;=”” mso-fareast-language:=”” en-ca;”=”” style=”margin: 0px; padding: 0px;”>You should put some thought into making your goal by following this acronym: S.M.A.R.T.<span ‘sans-serif”,’serif’;=”” font-size:=”” 18.0pt;=”” line-height:=”” 115%;=”” mso-ansi-language:=”” en-ca;=”” mso-bidi-font-family:=”” ‘times=”” new=”” roman’;=”” mso-bidi-language:=”” ar-sa;=”” mso-fareast-font-family:=”” roman”;=”” mso-fareast-language:=”” en-ca;”=”” style=”margin: 0px; padding: 0px;”>

Specific: Your goals are much easier to perform then just a general goal. For example “Lose Weight” is a general goal; a specific goal would be “Lose 10 pounds of Fat in 6 weeks.”

Measurable: This means you need to be able to track your progress on your goal. If your goal is to get stronger you can track it by writing down the weight you use at each exercise every time. If your Goal is to lose fat, weight yourself and find out what your body fat percentage would be. Make sure that there is a way to measure your goals, even if it’s just a weekly picture of yourself.

Attainable: This means making your goals reachable. Say you have a yearlong goal (Lose 100 pounds), break it down into 2 six month goals (Lose 50 pounds in 6 months), then break it down further and further until you have a weekly goal to reach (1.5 pounds a week). Along with your main goal make additional goals to go along with it such as cutting out sugars on weekdays by _________, or going to the gym 4 times a week instead of 3 by __________. You also have to make the goal challenging, if it’s something you know you can complete, then it’s not a good goal. You must be committed to work towards your goal or else it is not going to be very realistic. Aim for something you think is impossible for yourself to do, then make goals to work towards that goal. But at the same time be…
Realistic: This may be one of the most important guidelines to creating a goal. The average person should aim to only lose about 1-2 pounds of fat weekly through proper diet and exercise. Many Television shows like the biggest loser have huge weight losses each week for a few reasons 1) The participants are incredibly overweight which means they can lose a lot more weight each week 2) All they do is exercise, they don’t have television or movies to sit and watch all day, they aren’t working for 8 hours a day then going to the gym, their job is working out. So making a Goal like “Lose 15 pounds in a week” is not a realistic goal. If you need help coming up with realistic goals seek out help from professionals, never be afraid to ask for help!

Timely: You need to give yourself a set time or day to get your goal accomplished by. Saying I want to lose 10 pounds is a good start but by when? Giving yourself a time limit makes you more motivated to do the work each day. It gives you that sense of urgency to get things done. Remember if you don’t reach your goal by your set date, take a step back and look at what you’ve got accomplished up until that point, look at what worked, and what didn’t work for you and find ways to fix them.


A simple way to stay strict to your goal is by writing it down (literally, go grab a pen and paper) and giving it to someone you trust or put it in a place where you can see it every day. Make a contract out of it to yourself to reach that goal, don’t change your goal half way through or two weeks in or else it will defeat the purpose. Stick with your goal and see it out to the very end!

Goal Setting isn’t just for new athletes, people who have been exercising for years should have their own personal goals. Don’t just set goals for training too, set them for your life. If you are looking to start a personal trainingin red deer, grab more info at the magazine link below or at


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