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b2ap3_thumbnail_waterSmart people are drinking more water these days. Rather than juice or soda at meals, water is the drink of choice for health-conscious folks. You may be one of the millions who carry a water bottle wherever you go. The health benefits of drinking plain old water are many.

Since your body is 60 percent water, water is an essential part of life. Every bodily system depends on water in order to function properly. Water keeps your body fluids balanced and aids in digestion, circulation, and body temperature regulation. But that’s not all. H2O gives your muscles energy, helps your kidneys do their job of cleansing the body, and keeps your skin hydrated and young looking. However, you may not realize that drinking it can help you lose weight.


Who isn’t looking to shed a few pounds? Rather than starving yourself or spending money on expensive products, losing weight may be as easy as drinking a few more glasses water from your kitchen sink.

How can water help you lose weight? Read on to find out from your local Red Deer Personal Trainer.

A Better Choice

You have a decision to make each time you feel thirsty. Will you grab another soda or have a glass of calorie-free ice water? The calories found in beverages are often overlooked—until they’re sticking to your sides. What you drink could have a profound effect on your weight and your health in general.

Many drinks are high in calories. One small can of regular soda contains approximately 140 calories, a can of regular beer comes in at 113 calories, and a cup of juice has 117 calories. Substitute water for four servings of these beverages and you’ll instantly subtract more than 400 calories from your daily diet. That’s over 2500 calories a week or the same as 3 hours of cardio. What would you rather do? Thought so.

Interestingly, much of your water intake during the day doesn’t come from a glass. It comes from food. Many foods contain water—including oatmeal, beans, fruits, and veggies. These foods are healthy, filling, and low in calories. Choose water-rich foods over other options to help you lose even more weight.

Drinking more water to lose weight is a safe and healthy road to weight loss. There’s really no risk involved. It’s easy to get dehydrated, but it’s hard to drink too much.

Fills You Up

A recent study followed overweight men and women who were on a low-calorie diet. Half of the people drank 500ml of water prior to each meal and the other half did not. At the end of three months, those who drank water before meals lost an average of four and one-half more pounds than those who didn’t drink water before their meals. Those who drank more water were also better able to maintain their new weight.

These positive results seem to come about because of the fact that water helps fill you up. You won’t be as hungry when it’s time to eat, so you’ll eat less. Drinking water before meals may also act as a perpetual reminder of your quest to lose weight. Three times a day you’ll be reminded to stick with your diet to reach your weight loss goals. Try it today! Approximately 20 minutes before it’s time to eat, drink two cups of water.

How Much?

The amount of water a person needs each day depends on his or her age, weight, amount of daily exercise, and the altitude lived in. On average, men should aim to get approximately 15 cups of water a day and women, 11 cups. Just remember that this doesn’t mean 15 or 11 cups of water from the faucet. Many foods contain water and many other types of healthy drinks contain water as well.

But drink up, and drink to your good health and proper weight!

Water on Hand

Want to fight off extra calories? Keep a water bottle nearby for when you feel thirsty, and sip on it throughout the day. And if you’re trying to lose weight, don’t forget to drink those two cups prior to breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

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