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Welcome to Red Deer Personal Trainer, Laura!

By March 1, 2016October 22nd, 2021No Comments

It’s our pleasure to introduce our newest Red Deer personal trainer, Laura Barker (R)! Here she is with our GM, Brooke.

Laura starts with clients this week and is super excited to be a part of the team! She is well underway with our renown 12 Week 360 Fitness Trainer Curriculum and is showing tremendous talent, drive and motivation. Clients are loving her 🙂

Laura is a CSEP Certified Personal Trainer, YMCA Certified along with holds her Fitness and Health Diploma with over 5 years experience in our field.

She brings amazing knowledge from being a Nutrition Program Developer, Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Leader.

Welcome, Laura!


Note: Laura will be accepting clients from 4 to 8pm Monday – Friday. She is filling fast, hurry!