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Child Minding at 360 Fitness

By January 24, 2017October 22nd, 2021No Comments

360 Fitness Red Deer & The Women’s Outreach Have Teamed Up to Provide Childcare For Our Members!

Super excited to announce that through team work and our dedication to offer the best service possible, we have secured child care for our members at the outstanding Women’s Outreach Center – located in the south end of our parking lot!

What you need to know from the Program:
• Drop-in care for children of 360 Fitness clients, Monday-Friday between 8:30am-4pm
• Children must be between the ages of 1-6 years
• Two healthy snacks each day, but we DO NOT provide lunch. Feel free to pack your child a lunch if the will joining us between 11:15-11:45
• The cost of child care is $5 per hour and must be paid in Cash or Debit Only
• Spots must be booked 24 hours in advance by phone or in person.
• Drop-in spots are on a first come first serve basis
• These rates, bookings and programs are reserved to only 360 Fitness members at the present time.


About the Child Minding Program:
> Two healthy snacks provided daily
> Qualified Child Care Providers
> A safe and friendly environment
> Programming based off of the interests of the children
> Programming follows best practice
> Staff is up to date on most recent child development research

Programming encourages the development of the whole child touching on the five areas of development- Social, emotional, physical, intellectual, and creative dynamics!


Again, super excited about this and we hope our members jump on this opportunity. This is such a great option when you have the kiddos during your workout session and it provides them with a safer, more fun and more engaging 1 hr instead of having them at the frontdesk which can be restrictive and unsafe.
We hope this gives our members more scheduling flexibility and allows new members the ability to join now with this added service.

Thank you everyone and if you have any questions please see the frontdesk and grab a brochure at the front.

Their phone number is 403 347 2480 and our contact is Jessica Lavoie (she’s super nice).

Talk soon!