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7 Habits of Healthy People

By November 16, 2016October 22nd, 2021No Comments

Seven Habits of Healthy People by your Red Deer Personal Trainer of the Year 2016, Jack Wheeler

Want to stay out of the doctor’s office? Adopt these habits.

How is it that some people seem to avoid sickness while you and your family are in and out of the doctor every other week? Is there something you don’t know? When generally healthy people are compared to those who get sick more often, several lifestyle differences clearly stand out.

So, if you want to stay healthy, you may want to adopt the seven habits healthy people typically follow.

  1. Lead an Active Life

It comes as no surprise that exercise is good for your physical and mental health. Regular physical activity is proven to lessen your likelihood of disease and reduce stress. Healthy people make exercise a regular part of their everyday routines. Besides getting 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week, they lead active lifestyles by walking more, moving more, and sitting less.

Cardio, strength training, and even better, combining both, are all a part of a balanced fitness program. Find an exercise you enjoy, skip the ones you don’t, and you’ll be more likely to stick with it.

  1. Get Quality Sleep

Your body takes advantage of the time you’re asleep to repair and renew your mind and body for the day ahead. A lack of sleep impairs your immune system and ability to maintain a healthy weight. Without enough sleep, you’re likely to be irritable and clumsy, increasing your risk of accidents. Adults should aim to get seven to eight hours of sleep each night. Kids and teenagers need even more.

  1. Keep an Optimistic Outlook

This is a bigger factor than you think.

Healthy people are known to be more optimistic about the future, and rightly so! Life isn’t all gloom and doom and constant complaining shouldn’t be the name of the game. There’s good to be found, things to be thankful for, and hope for what’s to come every single day. A positive, optimistic outlook helps reduce stress, which helps build your immune system, protects your mind from falling into depression, and keeps you focused on healthy habits.

  1. Make Healthy Eating the Norm

Diets may help get you on track, but they aren’t permanent. Healthy people realize that the path to health is healthy eating today, tomorrow, and always. It’s not about eliminating food groups, slashing calories, or doing juice cleanses every other month. Rather, it’s about eating a balanced, nutritious diet, correct portion sizes, and a few indulgences thrown in here and there. This means planning ahead, time spent at the grocery store, and time spent in the kitchen. It’s worth it!

  1. Have Strong Social Ties

A support system of family and friends goes a long way in keeping you healthy. Surround yourself with people who have similar health goals, encourage you to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and are there for you during the ups and downs in life. Social connections may not seem attached to good health, but spend some time with family and friends you love and you’ll see how much better you feel!

  1. Forgive Others

At some point in life, everyone gets hurt by the actions or words of someone else. Pent up feelings of bitterness, anger, or revenge spill over into all areas of your life, including your physical and mental well-being. Experience freedom and healing by forgiving those who’ve wronged you. You may not ever get an apology from them, but you’ll have peace inside knowing you did the right thing.

  1. Undergo Health Screenings

One way to ensure good health is to prevent bad health. By getting the recommended screenings, you can catch disease in its early stages while it’s still treatable or preventable. Talk with your doctor about which screenings you qualify for and when you should get them. You have to go in for check ups anyways so just make a list of questions and potential screenings you may need. You are worth it!



There you have it! How many of these habits can you check off the list? Remember, you don’t have to be perfect…you just have to keep improving. If you are looking to take yourself on a new journey and regain your lost healthy habits I invite you to come in for a free consultation with our Red Deer personal trainer team. We would love to chat! Go to the link below and click request when you’re there.