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6 Female Screening Tests

By March 24, 2016October 22nd, 2021No Comments

Ladies, Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late. 6 Screening Tests for Women’s Health by Red Deer Personal Trainer

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

Detecting diseases like cancer, osteoporosis, and diabetes in their early stages makes them much easier to treat. In many cases diseases don’t present symptoms until they’re in later stages. This is why screening tests are so important for your long-term health says this Red Deer Personal Trainer.

Extra yearly appointments to see the doctor may seem like a hassle and inconvenience, but you’ll be thankful you went in the event an illness is found. If you’re one of the millions of women who ignore their doctor’s advice about screening tests (you know who you are), it’s time to get serious about your health and make an appointment today.
The type of screening test you need will depend on your age, health history, and your family’s health history. Talk with your doctor about which of the following six screening tests you should get.

1. Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is a diagnosis every woman fears. Beginning in your 20s and 30s, your doctor should perform breast exams on you every one to three years. Once you hit 40, it’s time to get a yearly mammogram. After age 50, it’s recommended to get a mammogram every other year unless you’re at high risk for the disease.

2. Osteoporosis
Weak, fragile bones are a symptom of osteoporosis. This disease can be painful and puts you at risk for broken bones. After a woman goes through menopause she begins to lose bone tissue and her likelihood of developing osteoporosis increases. Early detection leads to prevention of further bone loss. An x-ray test measures the strength of your bones and is recommended for women over the age of 65, earlier if you have other risk factors.

3. Cervical Cancer
Another common cancer in women is cervical cancer. Starting at age 21 and at least every three years for the rest of your life, it is recommended that you undergo a Pap test. This is a simple, painless procedure performed by your gynecologist during your annual exam.

4. High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure causes strokes or heart attacks and puts you at risk for heart disease and kidney problems. Blood pressure screenings are quick and painless. A normal reading is 120/80 mmHg or less. Higher than 140/90 is considered hypertension, and a reading somewhere in-between should be taken as a warning. Talk with your doctor about how often you should be screened.

Because of the great danger it puts you in, you don’t want to mess around with high blood pressure. Simple lifestyle changes and medications can go a long way in reducing hypertension.

5. Diabetes
It’s estimated that one out of three people with diabetes doesn’t know it. This dangerous disease can lead to heart problems, kidney disease, stroke, and even blindness. Lifestyle changes and medication are usually effective at controlling blood sugar levels. As with so many other diseases, the earlier you know you have diabetes or are headed in that direction, the greater your chances of lessening its harmful effects.

A blood test is used to diagnose diabetes. Blood sugar levels between 100 and 125 mg/dL are considered pre-diabetic. Blood sugar that is higher than 126 is an indication of diabetes. Anyone with normal risk factors should be screened beginning at age 45 and every three years after that.

6. Colorectal Cancer
A sixth screening test all adults should get (women too) is for colorectal cancer. A leading cause of cancer deaths (second to lung cancer), colorectal cancer often begins with abnormal growths called polyps on the lining of the intestine. Finding and removing polyps in their early stages can prevent cancer from forming and spreading.
The most common type of screening for colorectal cancer is a colonoscopy. During a colonoscopy, a small camera is inserted into your colon to search for polyps. Most adults should have their first colonoscopy at age 50 and every 10 years after that if no abnormal tissue is found.

No Match
While there is ongoing debate, the best ways to detect breast cancer in its early stages are a clinical breast exam and high-quality mammogram. Performing regular breast self-exams cannot replace these medical screenings.


In conclusion, get checked. Seriously. Book it in your calendar now or better yet call your doctor office to book an appointment. Ignorance is not an excuse and you will thank yourself later. You owe it to your loved one but to yourself mostly.



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