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Trainer Revenge Thank You

Wow! What a success!

Trainer Revenge and our Anniversary Celebration was able to raise over $4500 and 250+ food items for the Red Deer Food Bank!

Thank you so much to our amazing clients, staff, partners and the community for helping make this happen.

The Food Bank is in dire need right now and we know this will go a long way.

Can’t express how thankful we are for the support we got for the event and for all the smiles we seen.

Really appreciate everyone and their roles. We will keep you updated this week with the delivery of the food and cash.

Thank you Black Rock TherapiesCollegiate Sports MedicineThe Bra LoungeTwig & Barrys Underwear CoKRAZE 101-3100.7 CRUZ FMJeff Rohrer- Sun Life FinancialAspire Natural MedicineOne Tooth Red DeerLonita WiltonBalanced Nutrition- Your HealthChedda’ Heads – Gourmet Grilled CheeseTroubled Monk Brewery and our amazing team at 360 Fitness – Red Deer Personal Training for making it happen.