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360 Fitness Community Updates 2020

By June 4, 2020October 22nd, 2021No Comments

Hi everyone! Jack here from 360 with some quick updates on where we are at and what’s going on behind the scenes 🙂

1. No set dates for opening the studios as of yet but things are looking promising for Phase 2 and Phase 3 (gyms) to be on time if not earlier. We have scheduled conversations with the fitness industry and Provincial economic and health leaders later this week that might paint a clearer picture. We will give updates as we get them.

2. We grow more confident and prepared everyday in our ability to open and operate in a safe and effective manner once we have the green light. Policies, procedures, SOPs and additional measures are in place and ready to roll to ensure our clients and staff are safe at the same time giving and getting a great fitness experience.

3. Our online personal training options have been a massive success with great results, feedback and adherence from clients. We are fine tuning these everyday and will be continuing online coaching in new capacities once we reopen for those who wish to stay or join the program for more convenience and comfort. We will be creating hybrid options as well that combine in person and online fitness options to utilize the benefits of both.

4. We have raised over $1300 for local food banks during this crisis, supported shelters and can’t thank our clients and staff enough for those efforts.

5. Our fitness community is strong, energized and making positive impacts in the community. We witness more and more each day how amazing our clients and staff are.

6. We have added fitness equipment, accessories and more at each location with Sherwood Park having significant renovations (secrets). Our gyms will be nicer and cleaner than ever!

7. Our outdoor bootcamps have launched and have been a huge hit! Getting fresh air, having a great workout and seeing smiles is awesome. More dates coming soon.

8. We open the gyms each week for supplement sales (typically Tues in RD and Thur in SP) but we announce specifics each week and are thankful to all of you for coming down and supporting us.

9. We are here for you! If you need help, need direction or need advice, reach out to us. If you have any questions about bootcamps or online coaching please let me know.


Ok, that’s all for now!

We appreciate you, miss you and are so excited to have you back in the gym as soon as possible. Keep kicking butt!

Jack and the entire team at 360