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360 Fitness Named Medium Size Business of the Year!

By October 19, 2017October 22nd, 2021No Comments

We did it! 360 Fitness was named Medium Sized Business of the Year for Red Deer last night at the Chamber of Commerce Awards!

We are in complete awe and there are no words that could tell the whole story.
Thank you so much to our amazing team, you guys and girls are incredible. Doing what you do best and helping people live better lives. This award is for you. Our team works so hard behind the scenes, volunteers lots of time to worthwhile causes and always goes above and beyond for our clients – I am honored to work beside them on every front.
Thank you to our amazing clients for trusting us with your health, all your support over the years and for giving us the opportunity to work with you. We are privileged to have you in our doors. Our jobs are the absolute best. We get to help clients move better, feel better and live better. It’s such a great thing to see our clients grow, adapt and take on new challenges in life. We watch from their side as we see them become more confident, more able and love life just a little more.
To our families and friends who put up with the long hours and who keep us focused, thank you we couldn’t have done it with out You!
Way to go team! Super proud of you all.
More pics and videos to come.




From Jack Wheeler, Founder of 360 Fitness

2017 Biz of the Year, 2017 Best Red Deer Gym Award, 2017 Best Red Deer Personal Trainer Award