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Do you think having the right foods in the house, having the right meals cooked and having no junk food, convenience food and not being tempting with fast food would help with your health and weight loss goals?


Of course it would! And a grocery list will help you with all of these!

Our friends at Go-ceries (a local Red Deer grocery delivery service) specializes in getting your orders, delivering it to your door and helping you succeed with a healthy kitchen and fridge.

Go-ceries makes it super easy and convenient to make this happen! I highly recommend you check them out @ and give them a call at 1-800-608-5373 if you are having troubles keeping a healthy kitchen and slacking on your grocery shopping.

How it Works with Go-ceries:

  1. Submit your shopping list online or over the phone
  2. We contact you to arrange payment for your order
  3. We go shopping for your grocery list
  4. We deliver your groceries to your home

So why is it SO important to make a list before you go shopping?

Trust me, a list saves you time, money and enables you to eat healthier – WIN WIN WIN.You save time: no wondering around aimlessly trying to remember what you need for which dish. Just follow the list.

  1. You save money: unwanted things don’t add up in your cart unnoticed. You already know what you need and can stick to it, thus avoiding extra costs.
  2. Healthier choices: when you’re writing the list at home, you’re not facing those tempting cup cakes or carb-bomb pretzels. You’ve already picked what you need.
  3. More environmental: you are less likely to forget something and have to drive back to the store. Thus saving gas and creating less exhaust.
  4. Everyone gets a say: you can write a grocery list as a family, making everyone feel like they can contribute to the decision making process (e.g. ask the kids what fruit they would like. They’re more likely to eat it if they’re allowed to chose.)
  5. It’s fun: you get to check off items as you fill your cart, and can feel a sense of accomplishment. Much like a To-Do list.
  6. Trying new recipes: you can pick up ingredients for recipes you found in a book or on-line. Preparing the list at home will let you check to make sure you got everything. Otherwise you’ll fall back on the trusted dishes you already know how to prepare.
  7. Less food going to waste: before you leave for the shop, you can check the fridge to see how much food is left. Do you have a ton of left-overs that you could use to put a meal together? Don’t buy more than you need!
  8. Peace of mind: You’ll feel at ease knowing that you already did the preparation work at home. Now, all you need to do is walk through the store putting stuff in the cart. It’s a piece of cake!
  9. Delegating: time is super valuable – get someone to do it for you like Go-ceries or get your idle teenager to make a couple runs to the store every week for the family.

Go-ceries Grocery Delivery Red Deer is a trusted partner of 360 Fitness and helps our clients get the best results out there, you need to look into them if you want the same success!

Jack Wheeler